3. Biosafety in case of suspected Ebola

3.8 Contamination with biological agents

3.8.5 Accidental exposure to blood or body fluids Precautions

Standard precautions:

  • Wash hands with water and soap, before and after each patient and in case of contact or potential risk of contact with biological agents

  • Wear gloves for each contact with blood or biological fluid

  • Change gloves between patients

  • Wear a double pair of gloves (inoculum is lowered by a factor of 27 due to the “wiping effect”)

  • Gloves should be systematically changed after 40 minutes

  • Exercise caution when handling sharps and blades

  • Wound dressing covers the whole wound

  • Protect yourself from splashes

  • Regularly clean benches and surfaces, immediately decontaminate instruments you have used and soiled surface etc.

  • Do not eat in the laboratory