Ebola diagnostics

2.1 Sample collection procedures

2.1.2 Post mortem sample collection Post-mortem sample collection with an eSWab type kit

Once you have put on the PPE you can proceed to do the swab according to the safety instructions. The buccal smear aims at collecting a sample of saliva from the deceased (see pictures). The presence of virus found in saliva can be proven by PCR.

  • The sample can be stored for 24 hours at room temperature

  • Fill in the data sheet which needs to be shipped with the tube

  • Put the tube in the transport kit

  • 1. Open the peel pouch

  • 2. Use swab to collect sample

  • 3. Open carefully the tube containing the medium and insert the swab until it reaches the bottom of the tube (swab in the medium)

  • 4. Break the swab shaft and leave the swab in the tube.

  • 5. Ensure the top is completely screwed shut

  • 6. Write data to identify the sample ON THE TUBE