3. Biosafety in case of suspected Ebola

3.7 Samples handling and transport

3.7.3 Basic triple packaging system Preparing supplies for shipment

Wear the PPE and follow the safety procedures during the whole time that the suspicious sample is handled.

  • Identify the Institute and the person to contact (for example Institut Pasteur de Dakar or Laboratoire P4 Jean Mérieux in Lyon). Connect with the person in charge in your country’s Ministry of Health and get their agreement to ship the samples.

  • Contact the shipping company

  • Prepare the necessary documentation for shipping and fill the clinical data sheet (which needs to be accessible without opening the package)

  • Verify that all the required supplies for the triple packaging are available to guarantee a safe transport (e.g. UN 2814 boxes from Emball Infor company -www.emballinfor.fr- Emball Infor can be used)