1.3 Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

1.3.6 Ebola virus containment strategy and patient care Identifying a potential case when there is no outbreak

The WHO recommends the following algorithm:

If the patient’s general state deteriorates severely and/or the patient exhibits a fever higher than 38°C over 72 hours (and for less than 2 weeks):

  • Diagnose and treat according to the most frequent cause in the region (malaria, typhoid fever, etc.)

  • if no improvement despite anti-malarial treatment or antibiotics

  • And the patient exhibits at least one of the following signs:

    • Gastro-intestinal hemorrhages, hemorrhages of the mucus membranes, at the injection site or red eyes (conjunctivitis)

    • State of shock

    • Contact in the 21 days prior to the beginning of symptoms with: a person with an unexplained fever and possibly hemorrhages or who died presenting such symptoms (or of unknown cause in an outbreak area)

In such case, implement the recommended biosafety and control measures to prevent propagation of the virus. The person in charge of VHF surveillance at national and district level SHOULD be informed as well.