1.3 Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

1.3.6 Ebola virus containment strategy and patient care Infection control measures implementation if a VHF is suspected

  • Isolate the patient in an individual room

  • Give the patient a surgical mask to wear

  • Close the door

  • Post a sign on the door

  • Put on the PPE (gloves, mask/face shields, googles, FPP2, coverall and apron/gown, etc.)

  • Make a list of all the patient’s contacts (including health care workers)

  • Limit the number of health care workers in the patient’s room

  • Limit the amount of invasive procedures (to limit biohazard contamination risk and also for the benefit of the patient who may be at risk of potential coagulation problems)

  • Inform all members of the hospital personnel, in particular those who will be in contact with the patient, about the transmission risks and the protective measures (include doctors, nurses, laboratory personnel, cleaners and laundry staff as well as people taking care of the waste, undertakers and all those handling the deceased body, etc.)

  • Safely collect sample(s). Send them in the appropriately secure manner for diagnostics to a laboratory able to process such samples

  • Identify and put under observation all the patient’s contacts (family, friends, contacts through profession, health care personnel, take into account the patient’s travel in the preceding 21 days)